
Anishnawbe Health Toronto is a fully accredited health centre, accredited by the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA).

AHT’s model of health care is based on Indigenous culture and traditions and as a result, AHT is the only facility in Toronto that cares for Indigenous clients with both western and traditional approaches to health care.


An Aboriginal Community

  • That nurtures the Family Spirit and strengthens family identity by embracing and sharing culture and traditional knowledge.
  • That respects the beauty and power of nature and creation, and helps to ensure a healthy environment.
  • Where individuals and families are strong spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, independent and self-sufficient; with ready access to Traditional Health and healing as well as culturally-safe models of care from pre-birth (Traditional Midwives) to preparation for return to the spirit world (Traditional Healers).
  • Where individuals are self-determining and able to take advantage of opportunities in order to reach their full potential and are prepared to share with others.
  • Where people have a strong sense of identity and pride, as well as being knowledgeable of their traditional ways and values.
  • Where Healing Lodges are at the centre of the community accessible to all of our people.


To improve, support, and promote the health, well-being, and healing of Aboriginal people in spirit, mind, emotion, and body within a multi-disciplinary health care model.


To improve, support, and promote the health, well-being, and healing of Aboriginal people in spirit, mind, emotion, and body within a multi-disciplinary health care model.


AHT roots all of its activities on the following teachings:

  • Healing, learning, and teaching are synonymous
  • We are all responsible for our personal health, wellness, and healing
  • Nature and creation is our First Family. We show respect for our First Family and include them in our prayers. We also show respect for the spirits of our ancestors who are part of our First Family.
  • There is an energy or life force which exists throughout nature and creation. This energy is within all of us. It gives us life and emanates from the human body. It is our spirit; it then affects the mind, then the emotions, and finally the body; for healing to occur, treatment must include our whole being.
  • The Healing Path also includes preparations for the journey to the Spirit World. Death is part of the cycle of life


AHT will work toward achieving its visions and carrying out its mission based on the following principles:

  • We respect teachings of all people.
  • We accept and provide care to all Aboriginal people and their families, including status and nonstatus First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people.
  • We respect the right of our clients to receive services free from judgement and to choose the care path that is right for them.
  • We strive to provide services that enable people to reconnect with and strengthen their spirit.


Anishnawbe Health Toronto (AHT) is a vision of the late Elder, Joe Sylvester.

Initial efforts began with a diabetes research project, which realized that a more comprehensive approach to health care was needed by the Aboriginal community.

In response, Anishnawbe Health Resources was incorporated in 1984. One of its objectives stated, “To recover, record and promote Traditional Aboriginal practices where possible and appropriate.”

In 1989, having successfully secured resources from the Ministry of Health, Anishnawbe Health Toronto became recognized and funded as a community health centre.

Since then, AHT has and continues to grow to meet the needs of the community it serves. As a fully accredited community health centre, AHT offers access to health care practitioners from many disciplines including Traditional Healers, Elders and Medicine People. Ancient ceremonies and traditions, intrinsic to our health care model are available. Our work with the homeless has evolved from early directions of crisis intervention to our current efforts of working with those who seek to escape homelessness. Training programs offer community members the opportunity to learn and grow in a culture-based setting.

Today, AHT not only promotes Traditional Aboriginal practices but has affirmed and placed them at its core. Its model of health care is based on Traditional practices and approaches and is reflected in the design of its programs and services.

Open hours today: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Toggle weekly schedule
  • Monday

    9:00 am - 8:00 pm

  • Tuesday

    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Wednesday

    9:00 am - 8:00 pm

  • Thursday

    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Friday

    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Saturday


  • Sunday


  • March 13, 2025 5:34 pm local time

Programs and Services

A volunteer Board made up of Indigenous community members provides direction to the Centre’s leadership. Because of the value placed on traditional approaches, AHT offers nearly 60 services and programs including:

  • Primary Health Care including an ambulatory health centre
  • Diabetes Education and Prevention Program
  • Health Promotion and Physiotherapy with access to traditional healers
  • Physicians
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Nurses
  • Chiropodist
  • Dietitian
  • Physiotherapist

Mental Health Programs including:

  • Traditional counsellors
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Social workers and counsellors offering individual and group counselling
  • Programs to help the Homeless to leave the street
  • 20-week addictions and concurrent Disorders outpatient programs

Child, Youth and Family Care including:

  • Pre and Post Natal Care Programs
  • Youth Outreach Programs
  • Child and family counselling
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Service

Traditional Healing Programs and Services including:

  • Traditional Healers and medicines
  • Sweat Lodges and Ceremonies such as Smudge
  • Traditional births
  • Shake Tents
  • Feasts and Naming