ABOUT Founded in 1972, Wigwamen Incorporated, a non-profit and charitable organization, is Ontario’s oldest and largest urban Aboriginal housing provider. With 214 units scattered throughout
ABOUT The Urban Indigenous Education Centre (formally known as the Aboriginal Education Centre) is pleased to offer a variety of services with the goal of
MISSION To promote and employ Aboriginal people in the area of arts & culture, education, family, business and information technology; To utilize our cultural teaching
Nishnawbe homes provides safe secure housing for the Native homeless and underhoused in Toronto. The housing units encourage cultural values, community environment, and a drug
Helping Aboriginal men in Toronto lead healthy, self-determined lives. In 1985, Na-Me-Res began offering emergency shelter to Toronto-based Aboriginal men who were without a place
ABOUT Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training was created in 1991 to meet the unique training and employment needs of aboriginal peoples. Miziwe Biik provides
ABOUT Gabriel Dumont Non-Profit Homes (Metro Toronto) Inc, also known as GDNP Homes, is a centralized 87-unit Aboriginal apartment and townhouse complex. Established in 1985,
MISSION To create healing through the arts by restoring cultures and identities to Indigenous artists and communities. MANDATE We identify, promote, and create opportunities for
ABOUT Aboriginal Legal Services (formerly Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto) was established February 21, 1990. ALS was formed following a needs assessment by the Native